“Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; and let Your judgments help me” (Ps 119:175). Here’s a good reason for old age!
A very godly woman I knew was sister Grace Pell, from Grand Rapids, Michigan. She taught me valuable lessons about being real in prayer. She said once, “I have learned to only ask, and let God provide His answer. If I tell Him what I think is the answer, it will be too small. He always know best.”
On another occasion, my recollection prompted by this verse, a Christian lady said to Grace, “Wouldn’t you love to go to heaven right now?” “Not just yet,” Grace responded. “I’m looking forward to it, but I’ll be there forever. I just have a short time here, and the Lord has given me work to do. I’d like to finish that before I go.” Wise woman! And while we live, we want to be praising people. We will also need to be helped by His wise judgments, as David asked. Or as J. Hart put it, “We’ll praise Him for all that is past, And trust Him for all that’s to come.”