December 20 Petition Mission

“David therefore pleaded with God for the child…David perceived that the child was dead…So David arose…and he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.…And he said, ‘…Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him…’” (2 Sam 12:16-23).

A friend who had lost two children told me how he found comfort while visiting in the Middle East. He saw a shepherd going down to a stream, wanting to get his flock across. He stepped into the water and called them. They came to the bank and bleated, but were too afraid to follow. Then he went back, took a little lamb, and put it inside his garment. Again he started into the water. Now the old ewe looked up to the shepherd carrying its lamb instead of looking at the water. She wanted to be with her little one and was willing to cross the stream to get to it.

That’s how the shepherd got them over the water, and that’s how my friend saw one way the Good Shepherd draws our hearts to the Other Side—with loved ones awaiting us there.
