December 18 Petition Mission

“Let such as love Your salvation say continually, ‘The Lord be magnified!’” (Ps 40:16).

D.L. Moody writes: One of the happiest men I ever knew was a man in Dundee, Scotland, who had fallen and broken his back when he was a boy of fifteen. He had lain on his bed for about forty years, and could not be moved without a good deal of pain.…it seemed as if I was as near heaven as I could get on earth.…I thought he must be beyond the reach of the tempter, and I asked him: “Doesn’t Satan ever tempt you to doubt God, and to think that He is a hard Master?” “Oh, yes,” he said, “he does try to tempt me.…Satan says: ‘If God loved you, couldn’t He have kept you from breaking your back?’” “What do you do when Satan tempts you?” “Ah, I just take him to Calvary, and I show him Christ, and I point out those wounds in His hands and feet and side, and say, ‘Doesn’t He love me?’ and the fact is, he got such a scare there [at Calvary]…that he cannot stand it; he leaves me every time.”
