November 3 Petition Mission

“I cry out with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord! I will keep Your statutes. I cry out to You; save me, and I will keep Your testimonies. I rise before the dawning of the morning, and cry for help; I hope in Your word” (Ps 119:145-147).

Do grown-ups cry? Evidently! Three times here he confesses his extremity. The first verse states the source of his crying—my whole heart; the second gives the object of his crying—to You; the third verse declares the objective—for help. Notice his intensity. Nothing weak and wobbly here! He was whole-hearted and Bible-oriented, praying for help to keep the statutes of the Lord. And he was up before sunrise to engage with the Lord before anyone or anything else.

I have found that little of the Word and prayer produces a sickly existence. Much of the Word but little prayer is the recipe for hypocrisy. Much prayer and little of the Word gives more life, but without consistency. The Word and prayer, with vigor, every day, makes a life with grip and glory.
