November 25 Petition Mission

“I have waited for your salvation, O Lord!” (Gen 49:18).

The great value of this verse is seeing it in context. It is a plea in the midst of Jacob’s prophecy regarding the future of his sons. They are not bright prospects, but in the middle he prays this prayer. We know how the story of Israel goes. But how does it end? With the names of these boys enshrined on the gates of Heaven!

During George Müller’s first visit to Düsseldorf in 1876, a godly missionary came to him, saying he had six unconverted sons for whom he had prayed many years. They remained unconcerned. What should he do? Müller replied: “Continue to pray for your sons, expect an answer to your prayer, and you will have to praise God.” Six years later he was back, and the same man came to him. He said he had resolved to take Müller’s advice. Two months later, five of his six sons were converted within eight days, and the sixth son was also now concerned. Be encouraged! Don’t stop praying! Wait and believe!
