November 1 Petition Mission

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14).

If you lined up all the blood vessels in the body, they would stretch over 62,000 miles (almost 100,000 kms), more than twice the distance around Earth. Your lungs have the same surface area as a tennis court. Experts say there are 40-50 trillion cells in your body, composed of 7 octillion atoms. If all the DNA strands in your body were uncoiled, the total length could make round trips from Earth to the moon 150,000 times. And your brain has approximately 86 billion nerve cells joined by about 100 trillion synapses, more than the number of stars in our galaxy.

Yet more wonderful than all this, believer, your body was redeemed by the blood of Christ, is now indwelt by God the Holy Spirit, and some day will be reconstituted to be indestructible, eternal, and like the glorified body of the Lord Jesus Himself. Let’s use this amazing equipment to bring praise to Him today, as the psalmist says.
