“If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal 3:29).
When I was a boy, Sgt. Preston of the Mounted Police, with his Husky, Yukon King, was the hero of a popular TV series. Quaker Oats sponsored the program. As a promotion, the company purchased 19 acres of land in the Yukon for $1,000. Twenty-one million deeds in the Klondike Big Inch Land Co. were printed and placed in boxes of puffed wheat and rice. Buyers became the legal owners of one square inch in northwest Canada! However, no taxes were paid, so, in 1965, the Canadian government reclaimed it. Easy come, easy go!
On the verse, “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you” (Jsh 1:3), C.H. Spurgeon writes: “Having decided for the Lord, you are next to take possession by an act of simple faith.…What a very simple operation is the claim of faith!…Lay your claim to all that is put within your reach in Scripture; ‘this is the victory that overcomes the world… even our faith.’”