October 11 Petition Mission

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” (Ps 150:1-6).

The last five psalms in the Divine Hymnbook combine for the Grand Hallelujah, and Psalm 150 gives the final mighty flourish. Let God be praised for Himself, for the access He gives us into the Holiness of All, for His exquisite and vast creation, for His powerful deeds, and for His personal greatness, excelling everything and everyone else! In coming to know Him, we are climbing a mountain of glory without a summit, traversing an ocean of love without shores, and exploring a frontier of discoveries without borders. Give thanks today!
