October 1 Petition Mission

“Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, and how small a whisper we hear of Him!” (Job 26:14).

The theater of Aspendos is one of the best-preserved in the Roman world. Built from 161-169 AD in Lycia (modern Turkey), an area visited briefly by Luke and Paul as recorded in Acts 27, the construction was paid for by two brothers in executing the will of their father, Curtius Crispinus. An inscription records the architect as one Zeno. The seating capacity was once estimated at 10,000 to 15,000, but attendance at recent events there shows it can hold more than 20,000. The design is so remarkable that, after 2,000 years, every word from the stage can still be heard in the farthest seats—with no amplification!

Yet far beyond this, God can communicate to us in whispers, and we can respond in the same. Our tears are liquid prayers. Our sighs touch God’s heart. Our groans move Him to action. Millions seem to pray silently, but such petitions come through loud and clear in Heaven.
