“How awesome is this place! This…is the gate of heaven!” (Gen 28:17).
There’s a remarkable spiral staircase with no central support at the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico. But no, it isn’t a “Miraculous Stair” built by Joseph. When local carpenters couldn’t link the main floor with the choir loft (other than with a ladder), “Frenchy” Rochas, a reclusive rancher and occasional carpenter, laminated pieces of curved stringer (stairway sides) with glue and wooden pegs (no nails) in a corkscrew fashion that give remarkable support. In a Washington Post column, Tim Carter wrote: “It’s a magnificent work of art that humbles me as a master carpenter.… It’s mind-boggling to think about constructing such a marvel with crude hand tools.”
But there is a Stairway to Heaven! It’s Jesus, of course! He said, “Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and [like Jacob’s vision] the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man” (Jn 1:51). You’re always welcome to enter heaven by Him!