“I am Your servant; give me understanding, that I may know Your testimonies” (Ps 119:125). Verses 129-130 add: “Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”
The word “testimonies” is one of eight words used in this psalm to describe the Word of God. The Hebrew word eduth is used 23 times and is related to the word “witness.” In other words, the Bible offers its own proof because, when you obey it, the results are “wonderful.”
But are the principles of Scripture so complex and involved that they are only available to the educated and erudite? No, says David, “the simple” may enter into the good of them. And why? Because God gives understanding to anyone willing to try the experiment.
It is not enough to “know” God’s testimonies; our souls need to “keep” them. And the moment we throw open the door of our hearts to His truth, our lives are flooded with light. “Even so, Father…” (Lk 10:21).