September 14 Petition Mission

“[Praying] for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Eph 6:19).

Every serious Christian has heard of William Carey, pioneer who blazed a trail for world missions and changed the face of India. But few have heard of his sister, Polly, who also touched the world for Christ in a mighty way. An invalid for 52 years, she could only do two things apart from eating and sleeping. One was writing. The other was praying.

It was to her brother William that she sent regular, long, encouraging letters. And it was for William that she prayed, hours every day. She prayed for his fellow missionaries, for the translation of the Word, for the new converts. She prayed they would grow in favor with God and men, that they would learn how to rejoice in everything, that they would live in forgiveness. Her brother said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” And then Polly prayed it down!
