August 6 Petition Mission

“Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth” (Jer 1:6).

Shotts is a town in Scotland, almost halfway between Edinburgh and Glasgow. A remarkable awakening occurred there in the year 1630, during a time of trouble and persecution of the people of God. Many believers had gathered in this central location to seek help from heaven. Several days were spent in prayer, and the third evening they broke into small groups and spent the whole night in supplication and praise.

The following day was spent in thanksgiving, and a young man, John Livingston, chaplain to the countess of Wigtown, was asked to preach the Word. But he felt his youth disqualified him. He, in fact, had left for home, but “just as the kirk of Shotts was vanishing from his view, these words, ‘Have I been a wilderness…or a land of darkness?’ (Jer 2:31) were borne in upon his mind” and compelled him to return. No, God can always be well spoken of. It is estimated that about 500 were saved that night!
