August 29 Petition Mission

“The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isa 53:6).

Alexander Maclaren writes: “In the compass of three verses of this chapter, there are seven distinct, emphatic, and harmonious utterances, all bearing on one thought: the vicarious suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1. ‘He has borne our griefs.’ 2. ‘And carried our sorrows.’ 3. ‘He was wounded for our transgressions.’ 4. ‘He was bruised for our iniquities.’ 5. ‘The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.’ 6. ‘With His stripes we are healed.’ They are all gathered together in the seventh: ‘The Lord has made to light on Him the iniquity of us all.’ If these words, in the variety of their metaphor and the fullness of their description, do not teach the gospel that Jesus Christ bore in His sufferings the sins of the whole world, and bore them away, language has no meaning.… He lived and suffered and died for us because He suffered and died instead of us.

Lord, may my heart today send an unbroken paean of praise to the Lamb that was slain.
