August 24 Petition Mission

“I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12).

Henry B. Gibbud, evangelist and superintendent of several rescue missions on the U.S. East Coast, liked to tell of the poor lad who attended a school in the lower East Side of New York City. He was very fond of his teacher because of the interest she had taken in him. One day he approached her after school, holding a very dilapidated-looking orange in his grimy hand. “Teacher,” he said, “here’s an orange I’ve brung yer. It’s been squz some, but there’s lots in it yet!” H.A. Ironside added: “So it is with every portion of the Bible. No one has been able to exhaust the priceless treasure it contains. There is always more to be obtained from it for the refreshment of the soul.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, today, the Lord opened up to our souls some precious truth from His Word that changed us to be more like Him? It’s certainly worth asking for—and then do some squeezing!
