August 22 Petition Mission

“Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Isa 6:5).

Adam Clarke outlines this section (vv 1-8) as follows: 1. A Vision of God (vv 1-4). 2. A Vision of Self (vv 5-7). 3. A Vision of Duty (v 8). Adoration, confession, and devotion all flow together here. Seeing “the King, Jehovah Sabaoth” leaves us little to be proud of in ourselves. We seem to be hopelessly disqualified from any association in such an august Presence.

But wait! There is not only a throne but an altar! Although “His train filled the temple” (v 1), it somehow left room for the tongs and the touch that purged this sinner. With such a low view of himself as unclean, then such a high view of the King-Priest, he realizes he can now be recommissioned and used in the employ of this glorious Person. Unfitted by sin. Refitted through sacrifice. Outfitted for service. Lord, give us this three-fold vision today!
