“But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts” (1 Thess 2:4). In his book, Tales of Great Truths, G.A. Neilson tells of an incident when some unbelievers decided to send their best debater to argue with a local preacher. He was received kindly and began the conversation abruptly: “I believe there is a dispute between us. I thought I would call on you this morning and settle it.” “And what it this disagreement between us?” asked the Christian. “Well, you say,” continued the visitor, “that the impenitent will suffer for eternity, and I don’t think they will.” “If that’s all it is,” responded the believer, ‘then I can tell you there is no dispute between us after all.” “No?” the man replied incredulously. “If you turn to Matthew 25:46,” continued the preacher, ‘you will find the dispute is actually between you and the Lord Jesus. I advise you to go immediately and settle it with Him.”
Today’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 11-12; Song of Solomon 1 Memorize: John 8:34