July 23

“God” in various religions might be thought of as benevolent towards creation, but the gospel was Good News when it first burst on the world because men realized “God is Love.” The revelation provided by Christ Himself, the awe-full brunt of suffering which He was prepared to bear in order to redeem mankind, His triumph over man’s last enemy, His ascension to timeless reality taking Human Nature with Him—all these showed one thing, that God is by nature Love and that He loves humanity. Those who accepted this foundation-truth…found that their own “love-energy,” which had previously been turned in on themselves or was being given to the wrong things, now became an outflowing love embracing those for whom Christ died…I am convinced that what we need to recover, perhaps more than anything else, is the conviction that God is not merely kindly disposed towards us, but that He is Love. — J.B. Phillips, New Testament Christianity, pp 94-95

Today’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 8-10 Memorize: John 8:32