Sam Hadley, a drunkard transformed by Christ, was used by God to see thousands reached in New York. On the way to California to preach, he stopped in Detroit, where an old couple asked him to pray for their drunkard son, whom they had discovered was living in San Francisco. One evening the Christians of Oakland, a thousand strong, marched singing through the city to the Metropolitan Theater where Hadley preached. Every seat was taken, except Hadley’s when he rose to preach. Harry Ironside, sitting in the balcony, saw a man slip in through the stage door, who was then ushered by J. Wilbur Chapman to Hadley’s seat. When Chapman rose to close, Ironside saw Hadley in conversation with the man. Hadley rose, interrupted Chapman, and told the story of the praying couple in Detroit, that he had just met their son, who fell to his knees in front of the crowd and was saved that night, another demonstration of God’s grace and the power of believing prayer.
Today’s Reading: Proverbs 22-24 Memorize: John 6:40