June 27

To the writers of [the New Testament Epistles] this present life was only an incident. It was lived, with a due sense of responsibility, as a preface to sharing the timeless life of God Himself. To these men this world was only a part, and because of the cumulative result of human sin a highly infected and infectious part, of God’s vast created universe, seen and unseen. They trained themselves therefore, and attempted to train others, not to be taken in by this world, not to give their hearts to it, not to conform to its values, but to remember constantly that they were only temporary residents (see 1 Jn 2:15-16). Today, when all the emphasis is thrown on making the most of this life, and even Christianity is only seriously considered in many quarters because of its social implications, this point of view is comparatively rarely held. Yet as we read what they have to say we may perhaps find ourselves saying a little wistfully, “Perhaps these men were right.” — J.B. Phillips

Today’s Reading: Psalms 103-105  Memorize: Luke 24:26-27