June 25

Ira Sankey tells of his visit with D.L. Moody to Sunderland, in northeast England: “One evening at the conclusion of a very earnest gospel address, I was requested to sing a hymn, ‘Come Home, O Prodigal, Come!’ A deep hush prevailed, and just before its conclusion a cry was heard through the building: ‘Oh, father, will you forgive me?’ as a young man rushed from the back down the middle aisle to where his father was seated. Throwing his arms around his neck, and with the deepest emotion, he begged forgiveness for some wrong he had done. The father rose from his seat and said, ‘My boy, I forgive everything; come now, let us go and ask God to forgive us both, even as I have forgiven you.’ This incident made a profound impression, and…from this time on the spirit of anxious inquiry deepened throughout the city. In a few days Victoria Hall, seating 3,000, was engaged for our meetings, and was crowded to the doors during the rest of our stay.”

Today’s Reading: Psalms 97-99  Memorize: Luke 19:10