George David writes: “In order to make disciples of others we need to be practicing disciples ourselves…This is what is implied by the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 5:13-14 when He says, “You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.” The “you” in these verses is not a singular you, but a plural, corporate you. You as a community of disciples have to be the salt of the earth. You as a community of disciples need to be the light of the world. To be salt and light in a particular place involves what is called non-verbal communication—communication without words by practicing disciples showing in action what it means to be a community of those who are learners and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, when we have opportunity, we must know our message clearly. Nowadays there is a tendency to think of the gospel more as a formula than as the story of Jesus.” We must know Christ so that we may live Christ and then we must clearly preach Christ.
Today’s Reading: Psalms 57-59 Memorize: Luke 10:16