May 30

Ravi Zacharias writes: “In the 1950s, Encyclopedia Britannica published its fifty-five-volume set, The Great Books of the Western World. One of the gifted minds behind the series was Mortimer Adler. The opening volume is a compilation of the great themes addressed by seminal thinkers during the last two millennia. Fascinatingly, the longest essay is on God. When Adler was asked why that particular theme merited the lengthiest treatment, he answered without apology: ‘Because more consequences for life follow from this one issue than any other issue you can think of.’ He was right. Every life is built fundamentally and finally on one’s view of God. For the Christian, the foundation is not built merely on the assertion that God exists but on the added claim that God was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. A commitment of mind and heart affirming that Jesus Christ is who he claimed to be…is at the heart of the Christian faith.” — Why I Am a Christian, p 267

Today’s Reading: Psalms 11-13  Memorize: Mark 2:5