John Berridge, a contemporary of Whitfield and the Wesleys, was ordained in 1745 but was unfit for the Lord’s service until in late 1756, as he was having a time of Bible study, the command, “Cease from thine own works, only believe,” was laid on his heart. At last he saw that striving to earn salvation was sheer vanity. With the joy of sins forgiven, he became known as the Gospel Pedlar and led hundreds to Christ. Here is his spiritual biography from his epitaph: “Here lie the remains of John Berridge, late vicar of Everton and an itinerant servant of Jesus Christ. Who loved his Master and his work and after running on His ‘Errands’ many years, was called up to wait on Him above. Reader, art thou born again? No salvation without new birth. I was born in sin February 1716. Remained ignorant of my fallen state till 1730. Lived proudly on faith and works for salvation till 1754. Admitted to Everton vicarage 1755. Fled to Jesus alone for refuge 1756. Fell asleep in Christ 22 January 1793.”
Today’s Reading: Psalms 8-10 Memorize: Mark 1:14-15