If the Bible is rooted in history, that presents a problem: how can you trust the accounts of Jesus when we now know that history is simply propaganda written by the winners? This is an increasingly popular view, especially in academia. Postmodernist historian Greg Dening argues: “History is something we make rather than something we learn…I want to persuade [my students] that any history they make will be fiction.” The argument quickly grows less robust when the Holocaust is mentioned. Do we not have evidence galore for it’s reality? Yet less than a generation later, Holocaust deniers reject it’s historicity. Amy Orr-Ewing writes: “Luke and the other Gospel writers recorded the events that had taken place with scrupulous accuracy. Their intention in writing was that we as future generations could read about Christ confidently, knowing that historians had thoroughly researched and compiled the material in a rigorous way.” See Luke 1:3-4; 2 Pet 1:16.
Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 10-12 Memorize: Micah 7:7