Charles Spurgeon tells the story of an old man who heard a young man preach. When he was asked what he thought of it, he was slow to answer. At last he said, “If I must tell you, I did not like it; there was no Christ in it.” “No,” answered the young man, “because I didn’t see that Christ was in the text.” “Oh!” said the old man, “but don’t you know that from every little town and village in England there is a road leading to London? Whenever I get hold of a text, I say to myself, ‘There is a road from here to Christ, and I mean to keep on His track till I get to Him.” “But suppose you’re preaching from a text that says nothing about Christ?’’ “Then I will go over hedge and ditch until I get to Him,” said the old man. Spurgeon added, “So must we do; we must have Christ in all our discourses, whatever else is or isn’t in them. So when you are called to preach to charwomen or to chairmen, always take care that is the real gospel of Christ is in every sermon.”
Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 12-14 Memorize: Jeremiah 29:11