January 2

Charles Stanley (1821-1890), when given the opportunity to speak to a large crowd of Roman Catholics, said: “I want to prove that the doctrine of the Church of Rome, in the year 60, is the only true doctrine.” He showed them “that we are not in any uncertainty as to which was the true church at Rome in 60.…Neither were we left in any uncertainty as to what were the true doctrines taught. We have an inspired account of those doctrines…From Romans 1–3, we found the ruin of man through sin…I then went on to show God’s righteousness revealed in the glorious plan of redemption—how God is righteous through the death of Jesus in justifying all who believe Him. ‘Their faith is reckoned for righteousness’ (Rom 4:5)…and they did not hope to make their peace with God. They had peace with God: ‘Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (5:1). Here is the true doctrine of the church at Rome in the year 60.”


Today’s Reading: Genesis 4-6 Memorize: Genesis 2:16-17

