We have come far short of the example of the apostles, much more of Christ; we are far behind the servants, much farther behind the Master. We have had little of the grace, the compassion, the meekness, the lowliness, the love of God’s eternal Son. His weeping over Jerusalem is a feeling in which we have but little heartfelt sympathy. His passion to “seek…the lost” is little imitated by us. His unwearied teaching of the multitudes we shrink from, as too much for flesh and blood. His days of fasting, His nights of watchfulness and prayer, are not realized as models for us to copy. His counting not His life dear to Him that He might glorify the Father, and finish the work given Him to do, is little remembered by us as the principle on which we are to act. Yet surely we are to follow His steps. The servant is to walk where his Master has led the way. We must not seek rest or ease in a world where He whom we love had none.—Horatius Bonar, Words to Soul Winners, pp 76-77