When I look over an audience and think of the misery that you and I do not see, that He does see, I think I understand what it means, “When He saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion” (Mt 9:36). We ought to have more compassion. How many times I have had to upbraid myself for this…One day my wife told me that one of the children in my Sunday school had been drowned. I took my little girl, four years old, and started for the home…the mother sat by the dead child, stroking her hair…The husband sat in the corner—drunk. I looked after the woman’s simple requests all very mechanically, then we started out for home. When we reached the street, my little girl said, “Papa, did you feel bad for that poor mother?” The child had been shocked at her own father. How that question cut me to the heart. I could not speak. I led the child home, then I went into my room, got on my knees and asked God to forgive me, and to give me a tender heart.—D.L. Moody