A Timely Word

“How good is a timely word!” (Prov 15:23). My brother-in-law, Bob, who was a public school teacher, spent a great deal of time with special needs students. Many of them were deeply damaged by issues in the home. One 11-year-old girl seemed to be in trouble much of the time. One day, in exasperation, he said to her, “You need to go to Sunday School.” That was all. Twenty years later, Bob was visiting a believer in a senior care facility. A woman walking up behind him said, “You changed my life.” She explained that she was a single mom who asked her daughter one day what she had learned in school. “My teacher told me I needed to go to Sunday School.” So mother and daughter began attending. They both put their trust in the Lord and He changed the home from the inside out. The troubled child became a nurse and her mother gave herself to working with seniors. It was “a word fitly spoken” (Prov 25:11), where fitly means “quickly” or “just in time.” Say it when it can do some good.
