In the book Two Pioneer Evangelists, the thrilling stories of Donald Ross and Donald Munro, is the following conversion account and the Holy Spirit’s convicting work: “One woman who attended gospel meetings held by Donald Ross in Annieshead [Scotland] was deeply convicted of sin,” but she “rose in a rage, saying that she would ‘never enter that place again to be made a public example of, and have everything said about her’” in public. But the following day, on her way to Glasgow, nursing her anger, the words—“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads” (Acts 26:14)—came with great power to her conscience. “She saw that it was not the preacher, but the living God Himself that she was enraged against, and that it was her pride of heart, rising in rebellion against the truth, that was the cause of her trouble. There and then, between the village and the city, she yielded herself to the Lord Jesus, and returned to tell what He had done for her soul” (p. 42).