“Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things” (Isa 40:26). Two renowned physicists acknowledge this. Arno Penzias (1978 Nobel prize in physics), discovered cosmic background radiation, evidence the universe had a beginning: “Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, one with the very delicate balance needed to provide exactly the conditions required to permit life, and one which has an underlying (one might say ‘supernatural’) plan.” Frank Tipler, MIT-trained Professor of Physics: “When I began my career as a cosmologist some twenty years ago, I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straightforward deductions of the laws of physics as we now understand them. I have been forced into these conclusions by the inexorable logic of my own special branch of physics.”