How does human life differ from that of the animals? There are dramatic consequences if man is simply the latest animal in the evolutionary process. Morality then becomes a mere convention. Purpose is nonsensical, for there is no Purposer. Animal existence is the highest goal we can hope for, and life has no real value. How different the Genesis account! Male and female are made in the image of God (1:26) and given dominion over the animal world to act as regents for God (1:28). Humanity has not only a material body, but a God-breathed soul (2:7). We have an aesthetic sense to enjoy creation and adore and worship the Creator—“Eden” means pleasure (2:8-9). Also man has the ability to make moral choices and therefore is morally responsible to his Creator (2:16-17). As well, we have the faculty of language (2:19-20) for which we will some day give account (Mt 12:36). We are not part of the animal kingdom; but we can become part of the kingdom of God! (Mt 21:31).