Inspiration Evidenced

How were the books of the Bible selected? “Canonicity” refers to the standard used to include these writings. God determined canonicity by inspiring certain men to write the Bible. Norman Geisler and William Nix give the questions used by the early church to determine this: 1. Is it authoritative? Though the writers claimed no authority themselves, their books have phrases like “Thus says the Lord” more than 2000 times, claiming to be God’s Word. 2. Is it prophetic? The apostles and prophets were the “holy men” God used. Their writings express a consistent view of God and His ways, and so seem to be the Word of God. 3. Is it authentic? The biblical books are the most reliable historical ancient document. Where they can be tested, they are accurate. They prove to be God’s Word. 4. Is it dynamic? The books accepted must be life-changing (see 2 Tim 3:16-17). 5. Was it received? The books accepted by the early church were later canonized, but they had already evidenced their inspiration.
