“Oh, how I love Your law!” (Ps 119:97). Leading Bible scholars, even those of a liberal bent, acknowledge that the Bible, as to its scholarship, is the most carefully examined book in all classical literature. Untold millions of hours have been invested in scrutinizing every detail: grammatical, historical, geographical, cultural, and theological. They also agree that it is the most numerically superior as to its manuscript base, with over 5,000 hand-written Greek manuscripts of the New Testament alone. Scholars also know that the Bible is also the most accurately copied as to its reproduction; the scribal experts were the epitome of fastidiousness in their workmanship. As well, history records the Word of God as the most amazingly preserved of all classical literature. Men have tried to burn it, ban it, distort it, and destroy it, but it is still the world’s all-time best seller. And any serious student will recognize it as the most internally consistent as to its message of any holy book. — J.B.N.
