“Your own mouth condemns you, and not I” (Job 15:6). The concept of evil is nonsensical if there is no God. If everything just evolved from nothing, it’s as foolish to say a rotten man is evil as it is to say a rotten apple is evil. If I am only biology, then I am only a series of chemical reactions and nothing more. Only if there is a transcendent God who made us in His image with a conscience and an understanding that there is good and evil, can we say something is morally right or wrong. If there is no God, we are forced to say there is no moral difference between eating the steak prepared by the chef…or eating the chef. After all, we don’t think of a lion who kills a man as evil, any more than we consider an avalanche or a lightning bolt evil if they kill someone. The lion was doing what came naturally. But if a man murders a child, we know it’s wrong. And why? Because we say it against what we all know to be right. It is against the law which God has written on our hearts. — J.B.N.
