What is a parenthesis? An interlude in a sentence that adds richness and meaning to the whole. The Parenthesis concept—setting off time to be enriched and equipped for living Christ—was advanced by three businessmen with a burden for the Millennial generation in local churches that are seeking to simply follow the New Testament. The first event is slated for May 27-29 at Mountain Top Youth Camp in Pinnacle, NC.
To bring Parenthesis to fruition, evangelist and educator Michael Donahue and Bible teacher and curriculum designer David Nicholson were asked to join the group. The conference is intended to provide a fresh approach to interactive Bible study, opportunities for serious discussion, rich fellowship and cross-pollination of ideas.
Also expect rich ministry from brother Alan Gamble, great food and one of the best mountain vistas on the east coast.
You might want to prayerfully consider attending if you’re in the target 18-30-something age range. Conferences were God’s idea, a great place to worship, fellowship, learn and be equipped to serve your generation.