“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious…” (1 Peter 2:4)
Why is Christ this precious stone? Scripture calls our Lord Jesus the precious Cornerstone. The cornerstone is the first stone to be set in a foundation, and it determines the position of the entire structure. We are like living stones, growing and being built up. Jesus is central to this construction and our growth, so we come to Him. As William McDonald says, “Our only suitability to be building materials is derived from our identification with Him.” He is the unique, precious stone, central to God’s plans.
Christ was rejected by men His whole life. When He was born, there was no room in the inn. There were many times in His ministry when no one would believe Him. They arrested Him, beat Him, and put Him to death. Even today, men and women can find no room for Him in their lives and reject Him. He truly is a tried Stone, but proven to be true. He went through every form of suffering, yet proved Himself worthy. He never forced His will on those who rejected Him, and He gave Himself up for those who hated Him.
In the end, though, man’s opinions don’t really matter. They rejected Him, but in God’s sight Jesus is precious beyond calculation. Any attempt would fail to describe the love in the relationship between the Father and the Son (in the bond of the Spirit of love). But Jesus is also precious because He brings us to the Father, whose love for us is so great. Through Christ we are declared right in God’s eyes. Through Christ we have reconciliation with the Father. And to see this pleases the Father. Christ is chosen, and precious to God. May He occupy such a place in our hearts as well!