JUNE-JULY 2009 – Broken- A New Heart – PDF


Broken- A New Heart

“Our God is the God of new things: the new covenant, a new song, a new commandment, a new and living way, a new man, and, one day, a new heaven and a new earth, just to name a few. So He has a simple but wonderful method for cleaning the inside of man: He gives us new hearts.” (Psalm 86:5)

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Editorial: A New Heart
A Willing Heart
A Broken Heart
A Joyful Heart
After God’s Own Heart
A Sound Heart
A Pure Heart
Grace at Work: Once I was Blind…now I see
Science & You: Reader’s Guide to the Origins Debate (part 3)
Reporting Live: Richmond, KY Retrospective Fresh Ink: Apollos
For Your Study: Types of Hearts
Finally, Brethren: Condescending
