JAN-FEB 2007 – Why Pray When I can Worry? – PDF


Why Pray When I can Worry?

Worry is nothing other than the hopeless feeling that God left me in charge. Read this issue to learn why it is the desire of the Lord Jesus that we “must always pray and never lose heart.” (Luke 18:1)

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Editorial: Why Pray When I Can Worry?
The Ministry of Worship
Assembly Prayer Meetings
How Do We Pray for Our Children?
Effective Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
The Sin of all Sins
True Story: She Sang at the Airport
Science & You: Unseen Reality
New Life In Him: A Word About Church Membership
Elder Helps: Shepherding from the Good Shepherd (part 1)
For Preachers: Titus
Finally, Brethren: Why Did the Priest Cross the Road?
