Where to Now?

We believe that there are many more saints who are eager to become involved in gospel work. One key is to remember that everyone has a unique part to play in the orchestra.

As mentioned in the previous Uplook, it is our exercise to see two GNOM teams crossing the country with gospel seed in the coming year. (Eventually there should be gospel teams in every state and province throughout the continent, don’t you think?)

Part of the reason for this is the faint but distinct cry of struggling assemblies in the south and west who are calling for help. The so-called Sun Belt is the fastest growing region of the land regarding general population, but perhaps the weakest (except New England) for gospel witness from assembly workers.

Yes, there are challenges. I can only imagine the fuel bill for a team traversing the long distances between the scattered assembly outposts. And, quite frankly, many of these small and discouraged groups probably have very little strength or resources to help the team. But we must see the trend reversed in this huge area or else abandon it to the ravages of time and neglect. This we cannot do.

We also should have a few men who can effectively communicate in Spanish as this region has a large Spanish-speaking population. Will you pray with us about this need?


If, in fact, the Lord blesses us with enough men for two teams (and surely He will double our resources to do it), it is our exercise to have a united Orientation at the beginning of the school year (mid–late Sep) and then bring the teams together for a final gospel effort, joined by as many exercised saints as possible. The Lord has not yet shown us where that would be, but the dates for that effort will be, Lord willing, June 2-9 (so you can plan ahead).


If one united gospel effort is a good thing, I daresay that two could be twice as good. And there are many exercised saints who for one reason or another would be more disposed to joining in if there was an outreach in the southern states during the winter months.

To this end we are suggesting an additional Good News campaign to be held, Lord willing the last full week of January (Jan 20-27) somewhere in the southern states. We will let you know the location as the time draws nearer and the Lord makes things clearer.


Obviously this is the key. We need clear direction as to place, the right persons who are exercised by the Lord to attend, the right families/individuals to reside there to be foundational to a new work, the necessary resources to pay for literature, rentals, advertising, etc. (the literature alone for Sioux Falls provided by Uplook was more than $30,000; others provided for food, and other expenses bringing the total to probably twice that amount).

Wouldn’t it also be good to pray for specific cities that at present have no NT assembly as far as we know? Or cities with the beginning of a work that could use a good push? Cities like Huntsville and Tuscaloosa, AL; Shreveport and Baton Rouge, LA, Jackson, MS; Memphis, TN; Midland, TX; and the list goes on and on. We would appreciate communication from believers and their exercise about pioneer areas.
