The Holy Spirit
What would the disciples do once their Saviour went away? In this moment of darkness, our Lord Jesus revealed one of the defining truths of the church age: the coming of the Holy Spirit to permanently indwell every believer.
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Editorial: Another Comforter
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit and the Church
The Holy Spirit and Christ
The Holy Spirit and the Bible
The Holy Spirit and the World
The Holy Spirit and the Christian
So, You Want to Be Contemporary?
Charts: The Names of the Holy Spirit,
Sins Against the Holy Spirit,
The Pictures of the Holy Spirit.
Science & You: Which Forever is Coming?
Dare to Think: Are We Too Individualistic?
World View: A Most Unreasonable Hope
For Preachers: Nehemiah
Elder Helps: Issues Regarding Commendation
New Life In Him: Will You Find the Time?
Finally, Brethren: Shadow Boxing?
The Spirit of the Age or the Spirit of God