Gospel Missions of India is one possibility.
If you are exercised to help with the great need of spreading the gospel in India, especially the needy north, how do you go about it?
Wisdom and discernment are needed because quantities of misplaced money can ruin a work quickly. But a shrug of the shoulders because the challenge is too great is hardly adequate. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10).
Gospel Missions of India (GMI) is an avenue through which Christians in the West can provide resources for the work being done by assembly workers in North India. There is a need for literature, transportation, and assembly buildings.
The priority of GMI since its beginning has been to help evangelists meet their basic financial needs through three major funds (similar to CMML in the states). They are: KEM Fund and Indian Evangelical Trust operated from Kerala, and GFTI from Madras.
Funds provided through GMI also help three Bible schools: North India Bible School in Rajasthan, Bengal Bible Training Institute in Bihar, and Stewards Bible College in Madras where training is provided for evangelists, especially in North India.
Much of the population of India lives in more than 600,000 villages. It is nearly impossible to personally reach all of these villages with the gospel. When funds are available, GMI helps to sponsor radio programs in different languages with the goal of having at least one program in each of India’s official languages by next year. No religious broadcasting is allowed from within India so air time must be purchased from outside the country. Living Waters Gospel Broadcasting in Bombay coordinates the programs.
Of the more than 1,400 assembly workers in India, fewer than ten own a car. A few have motorcycles; some use bicycles—the rest walk. GMI has provided small vans to a few of the ministry teams made up of several evangelists working together in an area. In addition to getting around more quickly, these vehicles also provide an element of protection from Hindu fanatics.
The Lord has also provided help with construction of assembly buildings both in the North and South. Hundreds of requests are pending.
Literature is another need. Indians love to read, but literature must be available in their own language as very few can read English. Brethren in India are doing a good job of printing literature for this need, but demand is high.
Gospel Literature Service of Bombay is the major assembly publisher in India. Sathyam Literature Service in Kerala is also active in producing literature, but does not have its own press. They have requested help in buying a press so that literature can be printed quickly and economically. After radio, perhaps the most effective way to reach India with the gospel is by literature.
The door for the gospel is still open in India but it may close. Fanatics are doing their best to stop gospel work. They are not going to succeed: Our Lord is sovereign. Despite opposition to the gospel and the persecution of evangelists, the gospel is spreading in all parts of India.
The Indian government does not allow foreign missionaries to enter India, but Westerners can continue to support the Lord’s work in India through national workers. Christians in North America can still make a difference!
Western missionaries have done a marvelous job in India. God blessed their efforts and many ministries continue as a result of their work. Indian brethren are grateful for the sacrificial efforts of many foreign missionaries, especially from the West. Their investments are bringing rich dividends. But now the work has to be done by national workers. Thankfully, India has many believers who are gifted, trained, dedicated, and available. We need to stand behind and help them. What they need are resources and prayer.
The need in India is enormous. We must help them in every way possible. The main role of GMI is to bring this awareness to the hearts of believers here and to see that the money sent to India through them is faithfully invested in the Lord’s work and for His glory.