We can be thankful for, and confident in, the order of leadership which Christ has established for His Body within each local New Testament Church. From within His flock He raises up a plurality of godly men equipped by the Holy Spirit to shepherd His sheep with a firm and loving hand.
This spiritual work for the Lord and His saints can be heart-warming or heart-breaking, based on many factors, one of which is the spirit and responsiveness of the sheep. Our attitude and actions help or hinder, bring joy or grief to our elders as they labor as servant-leaders of the Body unto Christ. This principle is contained in Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”
Here are seven ways you can help the elders in your local assembly. You can probably add a few of your own to the list.
1) Pray for them. Pray that they may resist the attacks of the enemy. Pray that they may remain close to the Lord in their personal walk with Christ. Pray that they may be Spirit- led and filled with God’s grace and humility. Pray that they may serve as “faithful stewards” accountable to the Lord, the Head of the Body.
2) Give them respect. As men raised up by God and accountable to God, they deserve our respect. Guard your tongue from critical and unprofitable talk, complaining in public or behind their backs. However, elders must be approachable and desire the honest feelings of the flock. Do this respectfully, in a spirit of meekness and humility.
3) Submit to them. Give them room to develop under the hand of God, by submitting to their leadership. Accept them as “human instruments” in God’s hands. Allow them space to make mistakes. Undermining the leadership will harm the local Body and will bring a bitter spirit to your own soul. Submit to them as unto the Lord.
4) Become a helper. Those who seek to serve, rather than being served, become a positive blessing and help to the local elders. When a need is known, offer to meet that need, as God has gifted you to edify the church. Discover your own spiritual gift and be willing to exercise it profitably for the well-being of the assembly fellowship.
5) Demonstrate commitment. Be in faithful attendance at the meetings. Be on time. Follow through on responsibilities assigned to you by your elders. Put the “assembling of the saints” as a high priority of your time and schedule, and show that level of commitment in all of your assembly duties as a “good and faithful servant.”
6) Seek their advice. There is wise counsel in the plurality of godly leadership. God will often give direction and reveal His will through His undershepherds. Use your elders as valued resources on all matters of life. Become comfortable asking them questions, seeking their opinions, and praying with them over matters and decisions of life importance.
7) Accept them in the Lord. The diversity of gift, temperament and personality among elders teaming together for God’s glory is a beautiful sight to behold. Each elder is uniquely different yet divinely appointed to serve the people of God, upholding the unity of the Body of Christ. Avoid setting artificial expectations for them and accept them as from the Lord.
Overall, elders desire that each child of God be walking in close fellowship with God and the saints, growing in their Christian life of holiness, sound in understanding the truths of Scripture and practically demonstrating the love of Christ to the world. A life so lived would be of great blessing to any group of elders. Let’s consider some practical ways believers can be a very real encouragement to their elders.
Thank them for serving as elders. Serving on the oversight of a local assembly is often a thankless work. Most elders don’t serve to receive the praise of men, but it is encouraging to know that the saints appreciate the work being done.
Commend them for the hard decisions. Even if you don’t agree with every aspect of the decision, let them know you are glad they will deal with difficult issues head on, and that they have your support.
Sponsor an Elders’ Appreciation Dinner. Periodically, arrange a dinner for the elders and their wives. This can be an activity for involvement by different classes or age groups to serve. Make it a comfortable and enjoyable evening.
Offer practical assistance. An elder laboring in the Word and the Lord’s work may not have time for many of the practical chores around the house. He may not be handy with tools or mechanically gifted. This presents an opportunity for the body to serve one another.
Send a note or e-mail. Just a simple word of encouragement, a verse of Scripture, a “thank you” or thought from your heart may often be the means by which God can lift an elder’s spirit and encourage him to go on, of not being “weary in well doing.”
Invite them home for dinner. Elders are to be given to hospitality, and so often are overlooked as candidates for hospitality from someone else. In this case, the one who gives usually receives the greater blessing. The fellowship of Christian hospitality is a priceless commodity if we use it wisely for the encouragement of one another around the Lord.
Hebrews 13 gives us a triad relating to our elders, in verses 7, 17, and 24; for further study, consider the context and admonitions of the entire chapter as that which might characterize our help and encouragement toward those who have the rule over us.
Written by Sam Thorpe