No Second Fiddles with God

No one likes to feel inferior. People use all kinds of methods to keep this from happening to themselves. But with God, we never need to waste our time evaluating our position in the world.

There are two identical phrases used in Luke 1 that illustrate this to us. This phrase is: “He shall be great” (in vv. 15 and 32). In our natural thinking, we would readily accept them both if describing two of a similar kind. But here, one describes a mere man and the other the Son of God. How could God be so gracious as to allow the same comment to be applied to one so infinitely inferior to Him? It was because God would dwell in that human vessel, who would also represent God in his life. Who would want the self-esteem that the world promotes, when we could actually have the esteem of God in our lives? Promoting self robs us of the greatness with which He longs to endow us.

Two women gave birth to these ones called “great.” Mary is respected and thought of more often, but because God was represented in both who were born to them, He would use this term for both. Some will be more famous in time, but that is only from the world’s viewpoint. God is watching over the generations, marking out the “great ones” who are willing to let Him dwell in their human vessel so He can be seen through their lives.

Christ came into the world to glorify His Father. What a privilege to have the same ministry given to every believer! What a privilege for every mother, like Elisabeth, to have the opportunity to raise her children to love and consequently represent the Lord. There was no feeling of competition, or of lack. They had very different children, with different ministries, but both, though in different capacities, represented God, who only is pre-eminent. Living in Him, there are no second fiddles in His estimation, no matter what your lot.

Uplook Magazine, February 2001

Written by L. Nicholson
