Angelic Bodyguards

Angelic visitations are never commonplace. Seldom in the history of God’s people have their visitations been visible. One very important thing to consider in the history of their ministry to the saints in time of trouble is that their assistance is given to individuals when they have a divine service to perform, never for personal benefit.

Peter’s Bodyguard

And the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison; and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly…and follow me (Acts 12:7-8)

This angel awakened Peter, took the chains off his hands, gave him a light in which to dress, opened the doors of the Roman jail and led him into the street. What a marvelous deliverance!

What glorious things have come out of prison! Peter’s ministry was not yet finished. The angel of the Lord delivered him in a remarkable way. We must remember, however, not to glory in deliverance. Riches often come out of suffering. The rich portions of both the Old and New Testaments came out of prisons. Many of the wonderful writings of Paul came out of prison life–truly called “the prison epistles.” John wrote the Book of Revelation while he was a prisoner on Patmos. John Bunyan spent twelve years in Bedford jail, but Pilgrim’s Progress came forth to bless the weary pilgrims of generations to come.

Paul’s Bodyguards

The Angel of the Lord comforted Paul in a dreadful storm at sea.

For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar; and lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. (Acts 27:23, 24).

This wonderful angel from heaven assured Paul that all on board the ship would be preserved. The entire chapter is devoted to the story of the stormy, fearful, and trying experience of Paul on his journey to Rome. Every Christian might read this entire chapter with great profit. No one can doubt after reading the story that it was the Angel of God that saved Paul that night. You will notice also that the Angel knew Paul’s future–that he was destined to stand before Caesar and give his defense of the gospel in Rome. God was going to plant saints in Caesar’s household!

Paul tried to warn the captain not to sail to Rome at this season, but he would not listen. Hardheaded captains may refuse counsel, storms and wind may tear the boat to pieces, but God’s man gets to Rome! Angelic bodyguards assist him on his way.

Daniel’s Bodyguard

The pictures are wrong. The artists generally picture Daniel in the lions’ den, with large, shaggy lions walking around him, and their big mouths open! They picture Daniel standing calmly in the midst of such a scene. But he said:

My God hath sent His angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me (Dan. 6:22).

This is the first case of lockjaw mentioned in the Bible. The Angel of the Lord clamped the mouths of the wild jungle beasts shut and Daniel was spared. Daniel says the angel of God did it.

We are not advised whether Daniel saw the angel or the angel talked with him. Both are possible. Whatever occurred that night, Daniel knew the secret of his safety. The angelic guard had been with him!

Angelic Firemen

A huge, black cloud of smoke was drifting over the plains of Dura. Awesome flames were licking skyward, as the servants of King Nebuchadnezzar placed more fuel on the fire. Three noble servants of God refused to bow to the golden image of the king. Nebuchadnezzar chided them for their disobedience to the royal decree and mocked the idea of a God that could deliver three defenseless men from his wrath. He ordered the firemen to make the furnace seven times hotter than any that had ever burned before in Babylon. Men had never seen such a fire before. When the men took the three Hebrew noblemen to throw them in, the angry, uncontrollable flames reached out and burned the king’s men to death.

God, who hath sent His angel, and delivered His servants that trusted in Him… (Dan. 3:28).

Angelic firemen took charge of this roaring inferno and brought forth three of God’s saints without the smell of fire upon their garments!

One of the great wonders of glory which will amaze every redeemed soul will be the unfolding of God’s love and care for him. Jesus prayed His followers would get through to glory, and truly, He manifests His matchless care to all His saints!

Angelic Ministry Among the Nations

Limited space forbids us to call detailed attention to the important work of angels in the story of nations. From the time when the destroying angel went through the land of Egypt and delivered Israel from slavery, the stories of angelic deliverance have been many.

We have cited to you the guardian ministry of the angels to individuals and nations and to all who fear God. Many timid and fearful souls who read these pages can right now take great courage and faith! Why do you not this moment believe the Word of God? God is no respecter of persons. God has no favorites in His family. Believe in the care and love of your Heavenly Father! Even now the Holy Scriptures inform us:

Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Heb. 1:14).

The ministry of angels is not ancient history alone. The apostle declares that angels minister to the heirs of salvation. If we could but realize this blessed truth how much worry and fretting could be instantly cured! What calm assurance every child of God could have amidst life’s storms and struggles!

We as individual believers must mix the Word with faith as we read it in order to receive its fullest benefits. No longer let your life be plagued with fears and distrust. Resolve now–deeply within yourself–to be a true child of faith and trust.

Uplook Magazine, October 2000
Written by A. S. Joppie