The Holy Place

One of the ways to view the Holy Place in the tabernacle is to see it as a foreshadowing of the local church. “In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord; in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit” (Eph. 2:21-22).

M. R. DeHaan stated that we enter through the tabernacle door for service: Bible study (around the table feeding on the Word); testimony (walking in the light of the candlestick); prayer (learning the power of prayer at the golden altar).

We know that the early Church was characterized by four principle things: the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers (Acts 2:42). These are illustrated in the furnishings of the holy place. We might rightly conclude from Hebrews 9 that our principle commitment in life should revolve around the regularly scheduled meetings of the assembly: “the priests went always into the first tabernacle [holy place], accomplishing the service of God” (v. 6).

One of the most remarkable illustrations in Scripture of these activities is found in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in Bethany, as demonstrated in Luke 10 and John 10 and 11. When we view the table of showbread, we are reminded of Lazarus sitting at the table with the Lord Jesus. Surely Revelation 3:20 comes to mind, “I will come in to him, and will sup [feast, fellowship, share life] with him, and he with Me.” In a day of emphasis on the seeker-friendly, experience-oriented church service (more geared to its entertainment value than anything else); there is a desperate need for a return to the simple teaching of the truths of Scripture. We’re to know the Word (both the Person and work of Christ Himself and the Scriptures which speak so eloquently of Him).

When we look at the candlestick, we are reminded of Martha who is portrayed as being busy with “much serving.” Sometimes this dear sister is criticized by us, though not by the Lord, for her emphasis on the needs around her. It would appear from the context in Luke 10 that she was the one who initiated the hospitality extended to the Lord Jesus. She (not unlike many in the Church today) simply had a bit of an imbalance in her thinking and activity. One of the serious needs in the Church today is that of bringing proper balance to our lives and schedules. So many are anxious and “troubled about many things” to the detriment of their personal relationship with the Saviour.

As we view the golden altar of incense, our minds are drawn to Mary who is seen at the feet of the Lord Jesus on three occasions. In Luke 10:39, she “heard His word.” Then in John 11:32, after the death of her brother Lazarus, she is seen at the feet of the Saviour, saying, “If Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” Because she had been at His feet as a student, she knew where to turn when her world came crashing down around her. Then because of her previous experiences at the feet of the Lord Jesus, we finally see her in John 12 at His feet as a worshipper–at the golden altar!

Is that your experience as well? We’ve sat under the teaching of His Word, we’ve found Him able to meet every need, and it draws our hearts to become worshippers.

The urgent need in the Church today is to bring a proper balance to these three: fellowship, service, and worship. Sadly, for many, worship is displaced by service and/or fellowship. Biblical truth is better “caught than taught” by our children. They’ll learn to value what we value; worship what we worship. As in the local assemblies, so in the home, we must teach them by example the happy privilege of enjoying fellowship around the Word. They must learn the privilege of having a servant’s heart as we let our lights shine in this dark world, and they must learn to be counted among those who worship in spirit and in truth.

According to Hebrews 10, we are to draw near, hold fast, consider one another, and assemble ourselves together. Just as Moses made everything according to the pattern, so we still have a valid pattern for our homes and local assemblies. Let’s determine with His help to apply ourselves more diligently to these three ministries in the holy place.

Uplook Magazine, April 2000
Written by William H. Gustafson