Long Range Weather Predictions

Someone has maliciously said that it would be about as worthwhile if the weatherman theorized the stock market trends, and the financial guru tried predicting the weather. Of course we will not attempt either. What then?

Many Bible students find it preposterous to suppose that the third millennium since Christ, will pass without Christ. This is not another inane attempt to foretell the day of His return. But we can learn from Scripture a lot of what will occur in the seven years ending in His appearance in power and glory. These trends are already discernible as never before, so merit our attention. For this little piece we will consider mostly the weather, as what we know best.

This year has seen in three weeks three earthquakes, graded about 7, and three severe hurricanes have hit well populated areas of North America. Five more earthquakes will occur in the post-Rapture period, or heptad of (seven) years.

1. After the opening of the sixth seal (Rev. 6:12), also marked by loss of sunlight and moonlight.

2. Before the seven trumpets (Rev. 8:5), with voices, thunder, lightning.

3. When the two witnesses rise from death (Rev. 11:13); one tenth of Jerusalem will fall, 7,000 people killed.

4. When the temple in heaven is opened (Rev. 11:19), also with lightnings, voices, thunderings, great hail.

5. When the seventh angel pours out his bowl of wrath, and a great voice booms, “It is done!” There will be more voices, thunders, lightnings, and the vastest earthquake since God created man (Rev. 16:18).

There were earthquakes in Old Testament times, and at the death and resurrection of Christ, also when Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. The earth trembling is surely a proof of God’s power.

Hailstones with huge tempests are positive signs of God’s condemnation. The seventh plague in Egypt demolished crops, livestock, and trees (Ex. 9:19, 25), but selectively spared Israel. The hailstorm involved lightning and fire also (as in Ps. 78:47-48; 105:32; 148:8). God later punished Israel with these elements (Isa. 28:2; Ezek. 13:13; Hag. 2:17).

Without date, but in the near future, there will be hail:

1. With fire and blood, when the first angel sounds his trumpet (Rev. 8:7). This will devastate one-third of the trees and all green grass.

2. After the seventh trumpet, the temple in heaven will be opened. Beside the thunder, lightning and earthquake, there will be great hail (11:19).

3. But at the end, there will not only be the greatest earthquake, but also the worst hailstorm (Rev. 16:21). Every hailstone will weigh about 30 kilograms, perhaps a ball of ice 15 inches in diameter. Little wonder that men will blaspheme God!

Epidemics are partially connected with weather, but can extend quickly, no matter. We must honor the medical profession; fabulous progress has been made, and life expectancy increased in the western world. But while AIDS is spreading irresistibly, older diseases, like tuberculosis, malaria, and others, are more resistant to standard treatment than ever.

From Revelation 6:8 we learn that the fourth horseman received power to destroy a quarter of the world population, over a billion at present. His four-pronged attack is war, famine, death, and wild animals. But notice the word “death” here corresponds to pestilence in Ezekiel 14:21. (Also the word therion, beasts, is used 36 times more in Revelation for the two beasts of Revelation 13. They kill all who will not worship the man of sin.)

It seems clear that the present expansion of disease is also a trend–preparatory for what lies ahead when the Church is gone. Millions of children die annually from malnutrition. Widespread famine today is also a precursor of what is to come.

How to escape? Happily, there is a way, the Way. Christ is the only way, so the choice is easy. He is always near, until the day of grace terminates. Until then, our certain duty is to confirm that all around us know the growing danger of our times, and the only Way to escape.

Uplook Magazine, December 1999
Written by R. E. Harlow