The Carpenter’s Workshop

For many years we have longed to see what has been called–by many old-time believers–a true gospel awakening. For some reason, we never thought it would be a real possibility, yet there was a deep yearning to see one and to be involved with it. For those who were in prayer and those who were able to be here in Little Rock in June, the Lord granted a unique and special experience in the gospel. We wept at the obvious working of God that was unfolding before us daily. Souls were hungry for the real answers to life, and God continued to reveal His saving power, soul after soul.

During the last part of the week, we received a call from someone wanting to know if this was the place where the John 3:16 texts were being distributed. After responding that it was, the man on the telephone identified himself as a sergeant with the police department.

After a pause to decide how to respond, we asked, “Are we in trouble?”

He too paused and then, with a broken voice, said, “No, you are not in trouble. I just want more of these verses to hang up here in the police department.”

That call has opened the door in the future to preach the gospel at a police camp for troubled teens, as well as the opportunity to hold officer’s appreciation meals in our home and share Christ with them.

The work here continues in much need for prayer. Along with continuing to reach out with the gospel through children’s work, one-on-one witnessing and evangelistic Bible studies, the need to disciple those who were saved as well as those who are interested in NT truths keeps us busy. At this time, several are attending regularly, and several are seriously considering attending.

We look to the Lord to add solid believers to the work who might be committed for the long term, and who understand the need for dependence upon the Lord. This will be an important part of the work being established here.

We have learned some great lessons through this experience: just because it is a “dark day” spiritually in North America does not mean that the Light cannot shine in the darkness; and even though one might feel like a “chicken” to reach out, it does not mean God cannot work through you in wonderful ways. He spoke that very clearly here in Little Rock.

In Philippians 4:3, Paul called fellow-workers in the gospel, “true comrades,” genuine workers bonded together for the same cause. Whether you were here in person or here in spirit, we all know a special bond together as a result of God’s work in Little Rock. We cannot thank the Lord enough for you, true comrades. God willing, may Little Rock not be the last such effort like this in North America, but a fresh beginning of advancing the cause of Christ.

Uplook Magazine, August 1998
Written by John and Bobbie Heller