Conceivably in the year 1998 God will press the button to start in motion a series of events according to His plan. For the attentive Christian the anticipation of these prophecies generates massive repercussions on his demeanor.
The Rapture
Before the greatest tribulation the earth has ever experienced, the Lord will snatch away His people to be with Himself. The Rapture is undated on earth, but soon. We say soon being cognizant of global trends today. These are preliminary to the mighty movements of the near future as disclosed in Scripture. Consider: the European Union, partial at present, but progressing; the amalgamation of religious groups: Rome and main line Protestants; the platitude that Hinduism and Islam have some good features, etc.; dictators in many smaller nations; the global sweep of diseases and epidemics. You can say that these ills have been the experience of mankind through history. The difference is that these are all conspicuous today, as well as other factors prophesied in the Bible.
We should be ready for the Lord’s return. Walk with Him daily, hourly, talk with Him as your best Friend, and much more, whom you will soon see physically, you in your new body. It is exciting!
The Judgment Seat of Christ
Some will receive a crown, and have the ecstasy of laying it at His feet. Those who have built with gold, silver, and precious stones will rejoice to see that these materials were not only fireproof, but bring an eternal reward.
Some serve faithfully and well. They will never, through infinity, forget the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” nor the look of approbation on the King’s face as He says them. He cannot lie. He never did on earth; no one can in heaven. The Lord will speak these words of commendation only to those individuals who have so served Him. There are no consolation prizes at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
The Judgment Seat (bema) is sometimes called the Award Throne. But the word is never used in the New Testament except for judgment: Pilate, Herod, Gallio, Festus, Caesar. These rulers did not give honors to athletes. The Judgment Seat of Christ will be a time of joy and sorrow, as some see a happy, relaxed life go up in a cloud of smoke. This will bring no joy to the One on the throne either, but giving rewards, crowns, or words of commendation will bring Him great satisfaction.
The present influence of this proven truth is obvious and effectual. We still have remaining a minuscule amount of time, a nanosecond, to serve Him during His rejection, compared to a mega-million of aeons to enjoy the fruits.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
This will be a time of sharing joy, the Bridegroom with the Bride. Both speak of their joy in the other, in the Song of Solomon. So now, in communion with Him, we share His joy. For example, you hear of souls being saved. Recollect the joy of the Shepherd who found one sheep. He called many in to rejoice with him. Or the Father who said, “It is fitting that we should rejoice and feast. My son was dead but is now alive again; he was lost but now he is found.”
The woman also rejoiced when she found her lost piece of silver, and shared her joy. The Holy Spirit now intercedes for us with unutterable groanings. This is a root used only of sorrow, Acts 7:34; Rom. 8:23; 2 Cor. 5:2, 4; Heb. 13:17. When did you last weep over worldly trends in the assembly or in yourself?
If the Lord gave us two knowledge tests, one on sports or politics, the other on Bible knowledge, would some get an A grade on the first and F on the second?
A young woman was engaged to be married. She learned that her fiance was an avid stamp collector. It is said that she had always thought this hobby rather tedious. She started to learn all she could about what she knew her husband found to be valuable. Question: What are the interests of the Lord of glory, who will share His throne with us forever? This outlook might change our lifestyle in the right direction.
Learning God’s Word is the best means of preparing to be with Christ till “death separates us,” and neither He nor we can die again. For His part He is washing us by the Word, that He may present us to Himself glorious, spotless, wrinkle-free, holy, and without blemish.
The Millennium
Only then can we expect good government on a worldwide basis. The same applies to the world economy. It may not be popular today, but the Holy Scripture tells us to obey the powers that be, not devote our one and only precious lifetime seeking for the perfect government. Our Lord is making people better by giving them the new life and the Holy Spirit. Our zeal should be focussed on giving them the gospel, backed by a testimony of personal life.
We should pray for all in authority. God will have all men come to Himself. This is His deep desire, not His supreme fiat. Christ-rejecteors would never be happy in the Father’s home, where the Son is supreme.
We and He will be happier if we prepare properly for His coming.